(c) 2009 Josef Howard
“A toast, then, to new romantic adventures,” Brice offered, his wildly muscular arm raised over the dinner table laden with an elaborate feast. His lover, Ali, grinned and raised his outrageously large arm in unison, and Mark, their new roommate, slightly inebriated from the pre-dinner cocktails, joined them.
Mark was still not sure what he was letting himself in for having agreed to be roommates with the hugely muscular gay couple he had met at the gym and chummed with for the last few months. But last week his girl friend had dumped him, putting him out of their shared apartment and turning him into a serial sofa sleeper, spending a night or two at each of his male friends’ homes. Finally he’d run out of friends to impose upon.
Mark had known Brice and Ali for several years, since he joined the gym in the Mission District. Brice and Ali worked out all the time, it seemed, because it didn’t matter when Mark went to the gym. He always saw them there. It was a serious gym, filled with many talented amateurs and the occasional visiting pro, but Brice and Ali outshone them all. They were the biggest men in the gym, spotting each other as they lifted unbelievable weights to the astonishment of the rest of the regulars. Yet Brice and Ali were not aloof. They made friends with everyone, although Mark suspected they were auditioning every guy they spoke to as a potential sexual conquest the two of them might ensnare and share.
When Brice and Ali heard about his predicament they offered to let him stay with them. They had a huge house. There was no reason he couldn’t sleep in one of their guest rooms for a few weeks.
Tonight, the first night of the new arrangement, Brice and Ali had cooked a feast for the three of them. It was as they sat down to eat that Brice raised his glass to toast.
Even a straight man like Mark had to admit they were a striking couple. Brice was a dirty blond with wide jaw, a button nose, a constant five o’clock shadow and chest hair that couldn’t be kept inside any shirt he wore. Ali was a classically beautiful African man, but with light blue eyes. Their physiques were practically cartoonish. Although Mark had spent very little time browsing muscle magazines, because he wasn’t particularly interested in getting really big, he knew that both Brice and Ali were bigger than any of the current champions. Brice admitted to having 25 inch arms, cold. Ali acceded to breaking 26 inches a few months ago. He’d watched them bench 900 pounds for five sets of twelve more times than he could remember.
Although the quantities of food they feasted on that evening exceeded the gastronomic capabilities of six normal men, every dish fit with the slavish diet of a serious bodybuilder. Mark had never followed a diet as strictly as he knew he should. He figured after a few weeks of eating with Brice and Ali he’d probably cut up and put on ten pounds.
Not that Mark needed to improve his appearance. He lifted mostly to improve his athletic abilities in other sports, so he didn’t get huge, but still he had tightened his muscularity, developed washboard abs and generous proportions that titillated men who enjoyed other men. Even before he started lifting Mark had attracted gay men like picnics attract ants.
Across the dinner table his hosts’ across the dinner table as brightly as the candle light glinting off the silver. As Mark looked at the two of them looking at him, he considered what it might be like to be sandwiched between the two of them – not that he was sexually attracted to men, but their bodies were so outrageously powerful it was hard not to think of them sexually. Mark wondered what they looked like with each other, what they did, how their faces looked strained in ecstasy. It didn’t help that it had been several days since he’d slept with his ex and was in no shape emotionally to meet other women.
There were plenty of extra bedrooms in the mansion, but the one Brice and Ali chose for Mark was arguably the most spectacular. It had been a conservatory originally. It was built entirely of glass on the roof of the house with a view of the City in all directions. A pedestal bed situated in the center of the room made Mark feel as though he were part of some citywide window display. One had to be very comfortable with ones appearance to walk around the room at night when the lights were still on.
The bright city lights kept Mark awake longer than usual and made him sleep more lightly than usual. Deep into the night Mark heard a floor board creak. He opened his eyes. In the shadows near the door stood a massive silhouette, a bare-chested man-mountain in boxer shorts with almost no neck.
“Just checking on you.” It was Brice’s voice. “Do you need anything?” He stepped closer.
Before Mark could decide how to answer, Brice stepped closer. It was a hot evening and Mark had been sleeping with the covers pulled back. Brice took his engorged cock, visible through his white jockey shorts, as a yes. He walked closer, his own dick long enough to hang out beyond the bottom of his boxer short leggings, bouncing in front of him. It was another way Brice and Ali intimidated their straight friends. Not even the straightest man could take his eyes off their boa constrictor cocks as they walked from the showers to the lockers. Mark had considered himself gifted before he met the two of them.
Brice crawled up from the foot of the bed between Mark’s legs, warming his cock with hot breath through Mark’s shorts. By the time Brice pulled down the waistband of Mark’s shorts, Mark’s long, fat dick was standing straight up, presenting itself, and Brice made a show of devouring it full staff in one gulp, taking Mark’s breath away.
It was an open secret that gay men gave better head than women because they had both enjoyed and entertained the plumbing, and Brice confirmed the myth. At first Mark kept his eyes closed and thought about women, but the job Brice was doing was so good, Mark couldn’t resist opening them and watching the man’s mouth slide up and down his delighted cock. Between deep lunges burying it down his throat, Brice spent what felt like hours licking and sucking on just the head, digging under the foreskin with his tongue, and making Mark hard as a nail and making his dick feel like a balloon about to burst. Brice finally began a series of full cock slurping sucks that made Mark’s heart pound until the cum burst from his balls.
The next morning not a word or even a sideways glanced passed between Brice and Mark. It was as if nothing had ever happened, yet the following night Mark had hardly even climbed into bed before Ali was standing next to his bed, his long, thick cock rising between them, his hands pulling back the covers to unveil Mark’s prick, rock hard in anticipation.
Ali was every bit as skilled with his mouth as Brice, a fact that made Mark fantasize about the two of them in sixty-nine, vigorously devouring each other’s enormous cocks with uncommon skill, and brought him to a climax far quicker than he wanted..
But Ali didn’t stop there. After rolling Mark’s tingling soft cock around his hips and thighs with his large hands awhile, after he sensed Mark’s dick beginning to swell once more, Ali began to finger Mark’s ass. At first he stayed outside, giving Mark just enough anal pleasure to inflate his spent prick, but not long after he had Mark back in his mouth, his thick, warm thumb poked past Mark’s sphincter and massaged his prostrate gland.
It wasn’t the first time Mark had had a finger up his ass. Hell, just about ever woman he’d slept with knew that trick. But Mark suspected that when a man like Ali put a digit up an ass, he was halfway to plugging that orifice with a different extremity. Yet, the combination of Ali’s thumb and his mouth was so hot, Mark didn’t want to stop him.
Only when Ali pulled back and he saw the enormously muscular dark-skinned man lit by the dim city lights, his impossibly large cock swollen and pointing up past the bottom of his pecs, only then did a shiver of fear shake Mark’s body. But the touch of Ali’s thumb at the door to Mark’s ass as Ali found his way in the dark reminded Mark of the pleasure possibilities.
As Ali raised and spread Mark’s legs, Mark had an out of body sensation, as though this wasn’t him this was happening to, as wide as his ass was stretched around the head of Ali’s cock. And when Ali propped himself up with his hands on either side of Mark’s shoulders, Mark began feeling up Ali’s impressively muscular arms, something he could never have pictured himself wanting to do before now.
The heat in Mark’s loins rose as he opened to Ali’s slow advance. Through the intense shivers of pleasure that radiated from his ass, Mark barely noticed how hard and wet his cock had become. He could feel his balls sucked tight against his groin. He could feel his purplish prick straining against his abs, but mostly he felt the monstrous member pressing deeper.
Ali shook his head once as he bottomed out inside his roomy, then slowly allowed himself to fall back, leaving Mark hungry for another assault with every inch that vacated him.
Even in the relative darkness Mark could see how insanely Ali’s muscles bunched and tightened as he fucked him, and the vicarious pleasure of penetrating someone intensified the pleasure of getting fucked.
Their sexual rhythm built into an incredible buzz that rose and rose until Mark felt himself emptying his jism spontaneously, spraying his chest, his chin and his face.
Before he had stopped, Ali had caught up and he felt a rush of warm liquid spraying inside him.
After a slow retreat from his ass, Ali kissed Mark’s wet belly lightly and left the room as quietly as he’d entered.
So began a repeating pattern of nocturnal visits by one or the other of Mark’s new roommates. As much as Mark loved women, he found he loved the sex with Brice and Ali even more
As Mark anticipated, the food his new roommates fed him, began to show on his body. Or maybe it was just that he was putting more time in the gym now that he wasn’t dating. Whatever the reason, Mark’s pants began to get tighter in the ass and the legs. His shirtsleeves felt constricting and even with the top button open, his shirts impinged on his neck. Mark didn’t want to be really big, but he had to admit it felt sexy to be growing, to be getting hard all over his body.
His slow physical improvements made him feel more worthy of the studly couple’s nightly visits. The only thing he couldn’t understand was why their physical attentions never spilled over into the daylight. Mark often found himself lingering near them as they passed in the hall and enjoying their friendly embraces more than he had before, but he never sensed they acknowledged the physical nature of their relationship when they were clothed.
Was it possible that neither of them knew that the other visited him every night. Admittedly the alternation between the two of them was not perfectly symmetrical, lending the appearance that they might not be sharing him by mutual consent, but if neither knew of the other’s activities, how was it possible that the two of them had never arrived in the bedroom by chance on the same night?
Yet the lack of daylight acknowledgement made the situation easier for Mark emotionally. He wasn’t quite sure he was ready to have a real relationship with another man, and surely if they acknowledged him in their home, it would eventually lead to obvious overtures in the gym in front of their mutual friends. For now he could deflect the prurient inquiries of his straight gym buddies about his living arrangement by simply saying Brice and Ali’s sexuality wasn’t a problem for him, even if he had exceeded the original agreed timeframe for staying with them.
Still his friends at the gym were suspicious. The changes in Mark’s body were beginning to be more noticeable. At first his muscles had merely been tight cords that bunched when he moved. Now they were bulbous masses of sinew that bulged through his clothes and threatened to burst seams. Both his arms and his neck broke the 20 inch mark. Another mark passed merely because his size was important enough that he measured himself and spoke about it. The changes on top of Mark’s already stunning frame drove women and gay men crazy, but Mark had no eyes for either. The gay men understood him to be straight. The women understood him to be on the rebound. On some level this transformation into a man more like his two roomies seemed to imply a closeness of spirit. Or at least a shared purpose or pharmacological regime.
His straight friends could talk openly about his muscular growth, but none of them could bring themselves to mention the spectacularly obvious growth of the meat between his newly thick thighs. They couldn’t understand how that could be affected by diet and workout. Mark couldn’t either, but he didn’t care. It was another change that made him feel more confident, more worthy of his roomies’ attentions. It obviously delighted both Brice and Ali, and their reaction made Mark half suspect that he might be capable of driving a wedge between the two of them, not that he wanted to.
There was one final change that no one but Mark noticed, with the exception of Brice and Ali, who never spoke of it. That was the matter of his “loads”. Whenever Mark came, and he came much more frequently now, he came much, much longer, and the volume of spunk he expelled was far beyond anything he had thought was humanly possible.
No matter how much he came, Brice and Ali drank it all, whether it fired down their throats our whether they lapped it up from his chest, arms and face.
The changes accelerated when Brice and Ali invited Mark to train with them. He could only lift half their poundage at first, but the psychological push of lifting with the two of them and seeing how easily they controlled all that iron drove him to try harder. Every time he left the gym his muscles felt stretched larger than they had ever been before, filled with so much blood he could hardly bend.
When he was able to lift three quarters of their weights his body had become so extreme that no one could doubt he was hard core. Nothing he did could hide it. Short of Brice and Ali he was the largest man in the gym and could have stepped on any bodybuilding stage in the world and placed in the top three. His shoulders were four times as wide as his waist, and his lats pressed his arms out further still. His legs were so wide they forced themselves apart so that it was impossible for him to touch his knees together.
On the night of his third month in house of Brice and Ali, as the three of them rose from the dinner table, Brice pressed his body against Mark and gave him an open mouthed kiss. If that weren’t enough of a shock, Ali pressed against his back and kissed him on the neck. The two of them pulled his shirt over his head and began to devour his body right there in the dining room. When he was naked between them, Brice and Ali took turns slurping his cock while the other kissed and fondled his body from behind, sliding an elephantine cock between his ass cheeks and up the crevice of his back muscles.
The doubled stimulus of both their bodies brought Mark to a climax in record time, and as he came in long, forceful streams of milky honey, Brice and Ali took turns drinking his juice. When his orgasm finally abated, Mark was too weak-kneed to stand. Brice lowered him to a chair. Ali kissed him on the forehead, and the two of them walked hand in hand out of the room and upstairs to their bedroom, their fully engorged cocks pointing straight up and rubbing their chests.
Mark could not believe it. He thought this first act of shared love was the start of a deeper more affectionate relationship between them. He thought it would at least result in an invitation to share their bed that one night. Yet they left him sitting with the dirty dishes, feeling as consumed and forgotten as the meal they had just shared.
After wiping himself with the napkins and briefly considering clearing the table, Mark thought to himself, ‘fuck it’. He left his clothing on the floor in the small pile where he had stood as they had had their way with him and walked naked up the stairs after them.
The door to their bedroom was wide open, whether as an invitation to watch or join in or merely a careless act of wanton lust Mark could not decide. Whatever the motivation had been neither of them noticed as Mark stood in the doorway and watched Brice sliding his donkey cock deeply in and out of his lover’s welcoming ass. The two of them were more enraptured with each other than Mark had ever seen any other couple, more even than he had felt with either of them in all the weeks they had made love. It was as though the whole of the world had stopped all around them. Nothing existed but their lust for each other and the paroxysms of passion they shared.
The sight of them made Mark hornier than he had ever been, yet as he moved around them, touched them, even entered the ass of Brice as they fucked – nothing he did registered with either of them. How could they have loved him so forcefully just a few minutes before and now ignore him completely? Had the bond between them always been this strong?
The next morning nothing was said of the events of the prior evening. Still it started a new, maddening phase of their relationship for Mark. He had never felt more attracted anyone than the two of them, even emotionally connected in a way he thought he could never be with a man. He had never felt more worthy of their attention, yet they still treated him as no more than a friend in public, and even in private in their home, except for the minutes before they left him for their separate bed, the sexual nature of their relationship was never acknowledged.
Still none of that kept Mark from trying to earn their attention. He pushed himself even harder as they worked out together. In that one area at least he was not frustrated. It was not long before he not only lifted the same weights as the two of them, he began to exceed their limits.
If Mark thought that would change things, he was wrong. The two of them congratulated him on his accomplishments and heaped praise on his increased size as he passed even their immense proportions, but it won him no added considerations of affection. If anything it seemed to Mark they began to consider him less than themselves, someone who belonged to them and had no other choice but to stay with them.
Mark considered moving out, but he was in worse shape financially than he had been when he moved in. His ridiculous development had torpedoed his job. Not only had he been unable to dress professionally, his appearance made his co-workers uneasy around him, and the distance that developed led to performance problems that made his position untenable. Mark’s other friends, while still cordial, had also become distant. Gone were the days they envied him. Now they simply couldn’t understand him. Why would he do what he did to himself? What would make anyone do that?
It seemed that the only thing that kept Mark going was the sex with Brice and Ali. No matter how lonely he felt when they left him, for the moments they loved his body, he felt essential, vital, powerful and desired. That feeling, that moment, became the central part of his life.
A reticent man, Mark had always found it difficult to talk about relationships. Perhaps that was why none of his had lasted more than a few months, but one evening as they were beginning their meal, before the end was in sight, before any of them could fixate what they expected was next, Mark put down his silverware and asked them what was going on. “What am I to the two of you?”
A look flashed between the two of them, sharpened by the glint of a shared smile.
“Dear Mark,” Brice said to him, “we know you have developed feelings for us.”
Tears welled up in Mark’s eyes against his will. “If you know that, why –“ but he couldn’t complete the sentence for sobbing.
Ali stood and kissed his head. Under Ali’s clothing, Mark could see his cock swell. Not even his sorrow quelled their lust. “It will be hard to understand,” Ali told him. “We are not the same as you are.”
“I know that you’re gay. That doesn’t explain it.”
“No, Mark, we are not even really human. Our kind have shared the earth with you for centuries in seclusion, until one of us discovered the symbiosis that was possible between our species.”
The absurdity of what he was saying stopped Mark’s tears.
“Our fluids are not like yours,” Brice continued. “Ours do not impregnate. We don’t reproduce that way. We have no separate sexes. But what we discovered was that our fluids could change the males of your species into something very special to us. It changes your fluids – your seed – into a kind of psychedelic aphrodisiac for us. Along the way it also changes your appearance. It makes you bigger, more muscular than your kind usually grows, even bigger than us. For some men this, plus the joy we give as we drink from you, is enough.”
“You expect me to believe that all I am to you is some kind of cow?”
“We don’t expect anything from you. You are free to leave whenever you want. You stay because you want to stay, or you leave because you want to leave. The changes you’ve gone through will stay with you, at least for a good while, maybe longer than you want them to,” Ali said as he lifted Mark to his feet. Ali kissed him and pulled down his pants. As much as he wanted to resist, as much as he wanted to leave, Mark’s cock wanted to stay. Nothing felt as good as the two of them on him, in him. He may not stay forever, but for now he wasn’t budging.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
A Djinn's Own Story - Part 2
“No! NO! I want to enjoy myself! You can’t put me in this bottle!” Charlie shouted loudly, deeply.
“We have no choice, Little One. We are Djinn and this is where we must stay until we are summoned,” said the voice of the Djinn.
Inside the bottle, Charlie had no substance. He was merely dense bluish smoke. He missed his hugely muscled body and the incredible sense of power he had felt, so briefly, as he stood naked to the world, the power of the Djinn pulsing through him with every heartbeat.
“How long?” Charlie asked.
“A few years, maybe longer. I waited only two days for you to open the bottle. Before that I waited sixty years. Once I was inside the bottle for three centuries, but inside the bottle there is no sensation of time, although we have a sense of what is happening around us. Think of it like a light nap. You can hear sounds around you, but time passes quickly.”
Charlie heard foot steps.
“It sounds like our stay in the bottle will be very brief this time,” the Djinn said. “The man at the end of the alley who saw you slip into the bottle has come to investigate. Pay attention to me, Little One, when he opens the bottle. This is your first time as a Djinn. I have much to teach you.”
Charlie heard the stopper pop off the bottle. Light streamed in. The dense bluish smoke that was Charlie swirled madly like a tornado and Charlie felt himself exploding out into the air. It was a feeling as breathtakingly erotic as cumming.
Charlie’s smoky condensed form rushed out into the air in a high, wide arc, kissing the pavement, expanding and coalescing into solid matter. Charlie felt the immensity of his muscles again and grinned broadly as he looked down on the man who had freed him.
“The Djinn of the bottle awaits your command,” Charlie found himself saying. ‘Why did I say that?’ he thought. ‘I said it for you,’ he heard the Djinn’s voice answer inside his head. ‘Why are you still with me?’ he wondered. ‘You asked to be me. To be me my consciousness must stay with you. Otherwise you would just be you.’
“You’re real!” the young man said, looking up in awe at the masculine majesty standing in front of him. “I can’t believe you’re real! Can I have anything I want? No matter what?”
‘Tell him ‘yes, but there are limitations.’ Charlie heard the Djinn’s voice say inside his head.
“Yes, Habib. Yet there are a few things even a Djinn cannot do.” Charlie said. ‘Habib?’ Where did that come from, Charlie wondered. ‘Language is one of our limitations,’ the Djinn’s booming voice answered inside his head.
The young man walked around him, looking up and down in disbelief. Charlie stared straight ahead, but his Djinn senses could ‘see’ the young man even when he was standing behind him. He was handsome, dark haired, swarthy with a tuft a black fur hanging out of the top of his shirt. “Damn, you’re a big motherfucker!”
“You admire my body, Habib?
“Fuck, yeah! I been fucking around in the gym for years but I never had the gift, not like you. You’re bigger than any of those guys in the magazines.”
“You want to look like I do?”
“Well, I don’t want to be blue, and I’d still like to fit through a doorway. How tall are you?”
“Seven of what you call feet.”
“Seven feet! That’s way too tall, but the muscles, yeah,” the young man volunteered, without thinking about what he had said.
“As you wish, Habib” Before the young man could stop him, Charlie had begun to grant his wish.
The veins in the young man’s neck swelled. His face reddened. His eyes closed. His shoulders rolled back, throwing his chest forward. His shoulders puffed up inside his loose fitting dress shirt. His pecs pushed out, and his arms strained against the seams. “Oh, fuck!” the young man said, “I didn’t mean – I mean – fuck! It feels like getting a hard-on!” He slid the fingers of one hand between the buttons of his shirt and felt his furry chest expanding, straining the buttons. In a fit of sexual frustration he tore his shirt open. Underneath a dark carpet of hair thick, hard abs were taking shape. He flexed his arms and his biceps burst out of his shirt sleeves. “Oh, fuck, that’s hot!”
Charlie agreed. His cobra sized Djinn cock was stirring under the folds of his silk pants, creating a tent over his thigh, but he fought back his desire to keep it from tearing free. ‘Careful, my new friend. You are on the verge of becoming involved with your master,” the Djinn’s voice told Charlie.
The young man had torn the remains of his shirt from his chest and was flexing, watching his chest, arms and shoulders bunch up and grow. Then the seams of his pants started to pop and his thighs tore open holes along the sides. The young man ripped the leggings off and flexed his thighs. He was as big as a perfectly formed heavyweight amateur.
The young man was so into watching his muscles expand like bulbous stone as he flexed that he wasn’t even aware Charlie was there. Charlie smiled and adjusted his thick, firm dick inside his silk pants. A couple of yanks and it would burst free, but his prey wasn’t ready for that yet. Still it was an effort to keep it under wraps as the young man’s body expanded still more. His arms grew as thick as thighs. His shoulders as broad as a door. And the divisions between his sinews sunk deeper into his frame, making his unbelievably thick development appear ever more spectacular. The bulbous bulk of his biceps encroached on his thickening forearms and his ballooning deltoids. His lats spread like bat wings. His pecs swelled up and out in front of his neck blocking his view of the lower half of his body. His thighs were so wide they rubbed against each other half way to his knees. Even from the front his hips, though still narrow betrayed his thickening ass muscles. No longer a grin; his mouth was wide with astonishment at his bizarrely humongous development.
“Are you happy with your wish, Habib? You asked to be as large as I, but not as tall, and of course not blue.” Inside his mind, Charlie could feel the Djinn approve of his handiwork. Charlie had granted the wish, but had intentionally taken it further than he knew the young man had imagined. Such willful misunderstandings were de rigueur for a Djinn. He was proud of him, if not entirely in agreement with his motivations.
“Huh? Oh, but I didn’t – I was just answering your question.” The young man had recovered enough to speak, but he couldn’t keep his hands off his muscles. Indeed they were so immense they were impossible to ignore. His fingers combed through the black fur on his chest and felt up his rock hard pecs and his abs. “Does that count as one of my wishes? Do I only have a few? This might be a bit much. I – I don’t know if I can keep all of this.”
“You have two wishes left.”
“Can I wish to be a little smaller?”
“I am afraid none of your wishes may alter an earlier wish, Habib,” Charlie lied. It was a hitherto for unknown “rule”, and the Djinn inside Charlie’s head tried to make Charlie feel shame at his lie, but the Djinn appreciated the deception as well. Many lifetimes of unrelenting service made even the most obedient Djinn sociopathically passive aggressive.
“How will I cover myself? I look like the Hulk standing here in tattered pants. These seams aren’t going to hold after I start moving.”
“Do you wish for a suit of clothing, Habib?”
“Maybe a whole wardrobe -- no wait. I only have three, right?”
“Two wishes now, Habib.”
“Can’t you just take me home somehow and give me some time to think about what to do next?”
A more secluded venue suited Charlie’s designs on the young man. “As you wish, Habib.”
“No! Not a wish!”
Before the words had escaped him the two of them stood at the door to the young man’s modest home. “Tell me that didn’t count,” he begged.
“Of course not, Habib. Forgive my reflexive response.”
The young man patted his pants for his keys and slipped his thickened finger and thumb into his pocket to pull them free. “Good thing I still have pants pockets,” he chuckled.
Charlie followed him inside his small home, bowing his head ever so slightly to avoid bumping into the ceiling as he walked. “You should make yourself comfortable, Habib. You seem distressed. It pains me to see you so.” Charlie winked and the young man was out of his tightly stretched pants. It had not only been muscle that Charlie had grown all over his young master. His penis was as thick as a coke can. It billowed out from his groin, then lazily draped over a pair of gonads the size of avocados, wiggling and wagging almost to his knees. Freed of the tight confines of his pants and responding to the slight movement of air in the room it began to straighten and swell. Once it began its momentum was unstoppable, until it stuck straight out in front of him in purplish brown glory and dribbled sweet love sweat. The young man tried to remain nonchalant in the presence of his very masculine companion, but his eyes kept returning to it.
“I am your servant, Habib. You should not feel embarrassed by your arousal in front of me.”
“Sure. I –“
“Ignore my presence, Habib. Do as you would do if I were not in the room. Or allow me to give you the relief you so obviously require.”
“I – I won’t waste a wish –“, the young man warned.
“Careful,” said the voice of Djinn inside Charlie’s head, “a Djinn must not become too involved with his master. “Or what?” Charlie asked. “It is never wise to bind oneself with one’s adversary,” the Djinn answered.
Faster than the young man’s eyes could see him move, Charlie was standing in front of him, tugging on the young man’s needy flesh, milking the free flowing pre-cum.. “Banish the thought! Such a service is mere kindness, Habib.” The shorter man was swooning. He didn’t even notice Charlie’s Djinn size cock poking free of his silk pants and dribbling in unison. As he pulled Charlie felt the young man’s cock straining at its thin, sensitive skin, stiffening. “I could provide still more pleasure, Habib, if you allowed me to use my mouth,” Charlie offered.
“Yes. Please,” he asked.
Charlie knelt and sucked up the young man’s giant codpiece like a vacuum. He moaned. His knees weakened.
“Lie down, my young friend,” Charlie implored him. “You will enjoy this more.”
As the young man lay on his back, Charlie knelt over him, his knees above the man’s shoulders, his cock wagging over the young man’s chest, brushing against it as Charlie swooped down repeatedly on his cock. As the young man became more and more aroused he became more entranced by the sight of the Djinn’s prick. Charlie’s near omniscient sense of the area around him made him acutely aware of it. As he drew up off the young man and caught his breath, he said, “I am afraid I suffer from a similar need, Habib. Would you be so kind as to return the favor I am so generously granting you?”
The young man hesitated. He wanted to feel the Djinn’s manhood, but he feared for his life. No man could swallow such a cock and live.
“Do you fear for your safety, young master? There is no need.” Charlie rose over the young man and rubbed his prick on the man’s lips. The young man opened his mouth and Charlie slowly fed him his cock. As it passed the back of his throat, the young man struggled briefly until he realized he neither felt pain nor discomfort. In fact it was the opposite. The Djinn’s warm cock filled his throat and his chest with erotic heat and made his cock harder. The Djinn sucked up his cock as he fucked his throat. After a while it felt to the young man like he was sucking his own cock and he desperately tried to make himself cum. His sucking became more enthusiastic and the Djinn returned the favor.
The young man stiffened and moaned as he emptied inside of the Djinn. An instant later the Djinn returned the favor.
“I never thought I would enjoy that so much with a man,” the young man said as they uncoupled. “Is it as good with a man as it is with a genie?”
“Do you wish to find out?” Charlie asked.
The young man considered the weight of the question, but moved by the intensity of his recent experience to trump that wish with one far better. “I wish to have sexual experiences even more intense than that one for the rest of my life.”
Charlie grinned. “Your wish is my command, Habib.” Charlie’s imagination was already on the job. His momentary satiety was already washed away by a tidal wave of new lust as he regarded the obscene depravity of his previous handiwork. The young man’s physique was a walking wet dream, and the Djinn’s penis was stiff as a board.
“Perhaps we ought to begin by continuing your initiation into intimacy with hyper masculinity,” Charlie suggested. In a blink of the young man’s eye he lay beneath Charlie’s immense blue body, his thick, muscular legs flipped up and hooked over Charlie’s shoulders. The blunt knob of Charlie’s prick pushed at his asshole and spread it wide. This time Charlie did not accord his master special abilities that might have lessened his discomfort, and neither was Charlie inclined to be patient. In one forceful stroke he buried his enormous cock inside the muscle man’s ass, making him scream and forcing his eyes to bug out.
“Get it out of me!”
“If that is your wish, Habib.”
“No! That’s not a wish!”
Charlie had begun to withdraw, but pushed in again, pinning the young hulk once again, this time to slightly different effect.
“Shit!” his master shouted. His cock, which had lost a little of it’s bounce on first entry, was firming up again.
“Do I hurt you, Habib?”
“Fuck, yes, but . . . don’t stop now. It’s just getting good.”
“Yes, Habib.” Charlie suppressed a smile at the young master’s change of heart and began to fuck him.
“Goddamn! That feels fuckin’ great!” The young man braced himself with his hands on the Djinn’s outrageously large chest. What had at first been a convenience became erotic. His hands began to squeeze the rock hard muscles and then to wander around Charlie’s shoulders and his triceps. “I think you are still bigger than me,” the young man mused as he grimaced at Charlie’s assault.
“Is my size pleasing?”
“Yes. I mean. Kinda. I always admired big guys.”
“Like yourself?”
“Yeah. Like both of us. Oh, fuck, I’m cumming! I didn’t even jack myself!”
“Is that good, Habib?”
“Yes, but I just came a few minutes ago. It was hardly more intense than the last one.”
“Habib, this is just foreplay.” Charlie bent his legs and twisted him around his cock, landing him on his stomach. “The first hour is just for fun. The real orgasms begin in the third.” The young man caught his breath and arched his back, raising his ass in service to the Djinn. Charlie grinned lasciviously at the sight of the young man’s muscular ass, wide rippling back and his thickly muscled arms splayed out over his head. At last he was really enjoying being a Djinn, and if he could be of service to this young master, then that was fine too.
A Djinn's Own Story - Part 1
Charlie held the ornate fluted bottle and looked at it incredulously. That he would find such a thing buried under sacks of garbage in a dumpster inside his apartment building garage seemed like a twilight zone episode. He loosened the stopper and removed it, sniffing inside and expecting to smell bad perfume, but instead the scent he inhaled was spicy and dry as desert wind. A thin trail of white smokiness wafted from the lips of the bottle, thickening, escaping suddenly in a rush of wind. The white smokiness filled his living room and stung his eyes. His eyes watered. He coughed. He swirled his arms to dissipate it, but it was already dissolving. In its place stood a blue skinned giant in sheer silk pants, his head a bald plate, a gold loop ear ring in one ear, and a pair of thickly muscled arms crossed over his huge, defined chest. Charlie’s eyes wandered down and caught just barely caught a glimpse of the creature’s ungainly tube of manhood dangling down the inside of his silk pants before the visage spoke to him in a voice deeper than the growl of a bear.
It was a language Charlie did not understand, but assumed must be Middle Eastern. He excused himself for not understanding and the voice answered in English.
“The Djinn of the Bottle awaits your three commands.”
Charlie grinned. He suppressed a laugh, appreciative of the impossible nature of his circumstance.
“My commands?” he repeated questioningly.
“Yes, Habib.”
“Anything I want? No matter how incredible or impossible?”
“Nothing may be denied the one who possesses the lamp.”
Charlie was well aware of the pitfalls of wishing: the unfortunate unintended consequences, the trickery in their execution no matter how carefully the phrased. He knew no matter what he requested, the creature before him would undoubtedly find some way through subterfuge to ruin the outcome. However servile the Djinn may claim to be, it was always he who was in control. How could it be otherwise when Charlie’s requests were limited while the Djinn’s abilities were not? Long after Charlie’s wishes were granted, the omnipotent Djinn could do whatever HE wished. Not to mention the trouble the Djinn’s next master could create for him.
He needed a strategy, Charlie thought, but it was difficult for him to concentrate in front of the scantily clad giant whose “manhood” – if a Djinn’s cock could be called such – stirred suggestively before his eyes and reached out toward him seductively.
Charlie looked up from the elegantly long, thick cock, now obscenely tenting his silk pants, into the Djinn’s eyes. His stoic visage neither dissuaded nor invited advances. His body language, however, cried out to Charlie to touch. His thighs, so massive the insides pressed tightly against each other, pushing his enormous testicles in front of him.
Charlie reached out and tugged it. It stretched almost as fast as he pulled. The Djinn pulled the waist of his loose pants down and underneath his genitals, giving it infinite room to expand as Charlie cradled it in his hands.
Ten, twelve, fourteen, eighteen inches. Each time Charlie thought it could grow no more, the Djinn tensed the muscles that supported it and it swelled again, both in length and girth, until it stood up almost two feet with a smooth, urgent curve.
Charlie wet his lips and opened his mouth, wrapping his lips around it somewhere in the middle. He sucked along the underside along the whole two feet, feeling it jerk and strain on his tongue. As impossible as it seemed, Charlie had to try sucking it. He pulled it downward with both hands and pointed it at his mouth. He opened wide and sucked it in. He coughed and sputtered as it hit the back of his mouth, but he was determined to take more than five inches of it. He let it fall from his lips. He licked it appreciatively, then dove down on it again, this time drawing it past his tonsils and down into his throat.
Charlie was astonished he could fit it in. It was so thick it was like swallowing a coke can! But it became surprisingly easy. Inch after inch slipped through his lips and tunneled down his chest cavity. The Djinn’s breath quickened. He cradled the back of Charlie’s head with one massive hand and pulled him closer to his crotch.
As Charlie passed the halfway mark he realized it had to be Djinn magic, but what did he care? Sucking the giant horse cock made Charlie so horny his balls were sore and a syrupy stain was spreading at his crotch. He was going to swallow the whole thing and drink the Djinn’s hot cum if it killed him, and then he’d make his wishes, although it would be difficult to top sex with a Djinn in the wish department.
As Charlie got closer to his goal, his eyes flitted from the Djinn’s undulating abs to the stiff tube of flesh that drove deep into this chest, rubbing tightly against his throat all the way down. Finally the giant’s pubic hair flossed Charlie’s teeth and then the Djinn began to fuck his face. Charlie had never felt anything like it in his whole life. Being able to accommodate two foot of cock flesh plunging and poking inside him made his heart pound and his dick jerk in his pants. Charlie shot load after load as he squeezed and jerked the Djinn’s cock with his hands between penetrations. Finally the Djinn let loose himself with thick, foot long streams of bluish cum extruding from his piss slit in wave after wave. It tickled Charlie’s gums, lubricated his throat and filled up his stomach. Between thrusts it covered his face, arms and clothes as the Djinn roared like a lion.
Charlie was drenched with cum and the Djinn’s sweat before the giant was sated and drew his still tumescent, yet slightly limp cock from his throat and slathered his cum over Charlie’s face with it. Slowly it shrank back to its original, merely hefty size.
Charlie caught his breath and scrapped the cum from his face with his hands.
The Djinn was a stoic as before, staring down at him from over a lordly chin as his enormous chest rose and fell.
“Now for my first wish,” Charlie sad as he fell back on the ground on his elbows.
“You mean your last wish, Habib.”
“Last? How do you account for that?”
“Seeing my naked man flesh in all its glory was the first, devouring it completely was the second.”
“But I didn’t ask you for either of those things. I never said a word!”
“Do you deny you wanted them whether you expressed yourself verbally or not?”
“Do you deny YOU wanted both?” Charlie argued.
“It is not my wishes that are in question,” the Djinn answered with a hint of a smile.
“Very well,” Charlie said. He knew the Djinn’s rules were all that mattered. He’d known from the beginning the deck was stacked in the Djinn’s favor and that there was no way a mere man could win. Still he smiled inwardly at what he had gained so far, even if it had cost him dearly in what he might have otherwise had. “Then for my last wish, I wish to be you.”
“That is out of the question,” the Djinn replied.
“Did you or did you not agree with me that there were no limits on my wishes?”
“A man cannot be a Djinn.”
“Are you saying it is not within your abilities to grant my wish?”
“A Djinn is not limited in anything he can do. A Djinn is a physical manifestation of creative energies of the All. If a Djinn may exist as part of the All, a Djinn may create a Djinn from it, but such power is not for the feeble mind of a man. Man’s judgment has been flawed since his creation, as evidenced by his very first choices. To make a man a Djinn is to make him like a god. To make man like a god is to invite cosmic catastrophe.”
“Your excuses don’t interest me. I have made my wish. This time I have spoken it. Nothing could be clearer than my wish and your obligation to fulfill it.”
The Djinn glared at Charlie and seemed to grow taller and even more intimidating, but Charlie did not give in. He clambered to his feet, brushed the dirt from the alley from his jeans and slowly unbuttoned his shirt to make room for the growth he anticipated to be part of his transformation.
The skies darkened above them. The air became electric. Lightning struck at the Djinn’s feet and clouds of smoke billowed up around him. Charlie began to feel lighter than air and at the same time stronger than a bull. His breath came in deep draughts and with each inhalation he felt himself expanding. The seams of his jeans split and the fabric fell to his feet exposing a cock that stretched and thickened until it was as long the Djinn’s. His arms and his legs swelled with thick cables of muscle that twisted and tightened around his bones. His chest and his back expanded drawing his breast bone high and pulling his shoulders back. His waist tightened. Charlie raised his arms and flexed. His biceps bunched up like mountains under his bluish skin. When he laughed his voice was a deep as thunder.
But Charlie’s growth was only just beginning. His bluish blood pounded inside his veins. His muscles swelled like steel balloons. As impossible as it seemed, Charlie could see himself grow as if he were looking in a mirror, or more exactly, as if he were walking around himself, even though he could feel the growth from the pit of his chest to the tips of his fingers and toes.
When it ceased Charlie stood naked, magnificent, almost seven feet tall, in the center of a swirl of wispy bluish smoke that rose from his feet, four hundred pounds of muscle. A man at the entrance to the alley stopped as he walked by and just stared. Charlie grinned at him and laughed, proud of his nudity and unafraid of anyone. He was a Djinn.
“And now, Little One, it is time for us to go home,” said the deep voice of the Djinn inside Charlie’s head.
The smoke at his feet grew thicker, swirling like a tornado, until it completely obscured him. Then the tip of the blue tornado rose from the pavement, touched the mouth of the fluted bottle, and was sucked inside. The stopper floated from the ground and rocked into place, sealing Charlie inside.
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